Hotel Nacional Mérida

Explore the Caves

  • Loltún Caves

Its name comes from the Mayan words "Lol" and "Tun," which respectively mean flower and stone. These caves, located 110 km southwest of Mérida, are among the largest in the Yucatán Peninsula and have been extensively studied. Evidence of human settlements up to 7000 years old has been found inside. The cave has been adapted for tourist walks through illuminated trails. The tour is approximately 1000 meters long. Mammoth, bison, feline, and deer bones have been found here. Another significant attraction is the cave paintings, negative handprints, faces, animals, and decorative patterns, as well as inscriptions. At the end of the tour, you'll find a majestic collapsed dome. The cave offers guided tours.

  • Calcehtok Caves

Also known as Actun Spukil, along with the Loltún caves, these are undoubtedly among the largest in the Yucatán Peninsula. It has a very complicated system of tunnels inside, so hiring a guide is necessary. The name is derived from the Mayan words "cal" (neck), "ceh" (deer), and "tok" (flint). There is abundant pre-Hispanic material throughout the cave.

  • Balankanché Caves

Located 6 km from Chichén Itzá, this cave served as a ceremonial center for the ancient Mayan inhabitants. There is a light and sound show that tells the story of the cave. You can admire stalactites and other rock formations. 200 meters from the entrance is the Throne of Balam, a kind of altar where the Mayans held some kind of ceremony. In the center of this seven-meter-high room stands a large pillar formed by the fusion of a stalactite with a stalagmite resembling a large Ceiba tree, called "The sacred Ceiba that grows inside the earth."

  • Tzabnah Caves

Located 40 km southeast of Mérida in the town of Tecoh. Its name means in Mayan "King's Palace." There are stalactites, stalagmites, columns, deep precipices, and thirteen cenotes of various sizes. Among the most impressive attractions of the tour is a whimsical cavernous form known as "the Cathedral dome," for its extraordinary resemblance to the Mérida cathedral. According to legend, a Mayan prince and the princess he kidnapped took refuge and got lost in this place during their escape. Tours can be taken at any time of the day, as there is always a caretaker on site.

  • San Ignacio Caves and Cenote

On the old Mérida-Campeche road, near Chocholá, you will find this cenote, recommended for a refreshing swim. It is located inside an illuminated cave with electric bulbs. The vault is about eight meters high, with stalactite formations. The water, of a cool temperature and transparency, extends over a very rugged bottom, deepening towards the edges of the gallery, so the unaccustomed swimmer must be careful.

  • Izamal

Located 45 minutes from Mérida by car or a little longer by bus, Izamal is truly a colonial gem. Almost all the buildings are painted in egg yolk yellow, making the entire town look like a movie set. The cobblestone streets and colonial-style lamps complete this feeling.

Clean, quiet, safe, and picturesque, this is a fantastic town to walk around. There are Mayan pyramids, colonial buildings, parks and squares, horse-drawn carriages, and lots of people to see.

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Hotel Nacional Mérida

The Hotel Nacional Mérida is strategically located in the heart of the Historic Center of the beautiful colonial city of Mérida, known as “the white city”, surrounded by the main tourist sites, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters, old churches, government institutions and shops. In this environment stands the Hotel Nacional Mérida, which for many years has been home to national and foreign tourists who visit the city for pleasure or business, attracted by the variety of attractions of the city, the comfort of the hotel, the quality of its services and the friendly and cordial treatment of its staff, which has made the hotel one of the best of its kind in the city.